Thursday, February 6, 2020


"Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. 

This gargantuan object dwarfs the earth—indeed, over 1,300 Earth-sized objects could fit inside Jupiter. And its mass is 2.5 times that of all the other planets combined.

 Jupiter is mostly gas.
--To produce a planet as big as Jupiter, a lot of raw materials are needed, and the evolutionary model cannot supply them. Contrary to repeated claims by evolutionists, the secular model cannot make large planetesimals out of gas and dust, because if any rocks did begin growing in space, the gas through which they were travelling would act as a brake, slowing their orbital speed and causing them to spiral into the sun—not grow into Jupiter (or any other planet).
--Moreover, the amount of the gases argon, krypton and xenon in Jupiter is about three times more than that predicted by evolutionary models. The only place where these gases could have accumulated is beyond the orbit of Neptune, about 5 billion kilometres beyond where Jupiter is today.

Q: Could Jupiter have formed way out there and then moved inward to its present position?

A: No, there’s not enough material there, so far from the sun, to form a planet as large as Jupiter.
And if planetesimals containing these gases did form out there and move inwards towards the sun, they would have lost whatever quantities of these gases they contained, as they warmed up.

Jupiter’s most famous feature is probably its Great Red Spot. This is an enormous, violent storm system—it’s even larger than Earth! This storm has been raging continuously for at least 300 years.

Jupiter is more than just a beautiful object in the sky. Its very existence also poses an enormous challenge for those who want to believe in an evolutionary origin of our universe.

Truly, Jupiter’s size, beauty, and grandeur are a wonderful testament to our Creator—the God of the Bible, who not only made the stars and planets."

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